15 ways to get glow on your face

We all want our skin to glow, and believe me it is not a difficult task. For this it is important that we take special care of some things. There is no need to do anything special to get glowing skin, you just have to adopt some beauty tips in your daily life.

Though there are many types of treatments available in the market, they do not suit everyone’s skin. Therefore, we can try home remedies to get glowing skin. Let us know what we should do for a glowing face so that everyone can say after seeing our skin “Wow, look at the glow on your face”!

Tips to get glowing skin

happy girl model with fresh glowing hydrated facial skin and natural makeup

Every girl today wants her face to glow and her beauty to shine, no matter what her age is. There are many things available in the home and kitchen to bring glow on your face. Some good habits can also help you in getting glowing skin.

1. Get good sleep

Working all day, staying up late at night and not getting a full 8 hours of sleep is not good for your skin. It also has an adverse effect on your mental and physical health. Lack of proper sleep will make your eyes look swollen in the morning. If this continues for several days, the day is not far when you will have dark circles under your eyes . You will feel tired and your skin will look dull.

While you are sleeping, your skin cells are being boosted [ 1 ]. If you don’t get enough sleep, this boosting by your skin during the night will decrease, and you will end up looking tired and unhealthy.

2. Drink plenty of water

happy young woman smiling by holding glass of water

Drinking plenty of water helps our skin to glow. It removes the impurities from our body and creates new body cells. If you want, you can also drink water by adding healthy things to it, this way the benefits of water will also increase.

In the morning, you can drink boiling water by adding a pinch of cinnamon to it. This will not only help in losing weight, but you will also get glowing skin. Apart from this, if you want, you can also drink water by adding strawberry juice to it. By consuming it regularly, the spots on the face disappear and the face starts glowing.

Exercises like Surya Namaskar [ 2 ], walking, cycling, jogging, skipping, dancing etc are great for glowing skin. If nothing else, at least take a brisk walk daily. Also, if you do facial exercises for just 5 minutes daily, you will find your face transformed after a month. This is a home remedy for which you do not need anything. Your wrinkles will go away and your face will glow.

4. Practice of yoga

Yoga plays an important role in making your skin glow. Yoga tightens the muscles of your skin and makes it glow. Along with physical exercise, it also calms you mentally. Unless you are healthy from inside, that satisfaction and peace will not be visible from outside.

The main yogasanas that bring glow on the face are – Chakrasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Shirshasana and Pranayama. These asanas increase the flow of oxygen and blood in the body, which brings glow on the face. These yogas reduce wrinkles on the face, reduce looseness of the skin and are essential to get glowing skin.

5. Do not use soap

Without using soap, your skin doesn’t feel clean. But did you know that excessive use of soap [ 3 ] is not good for your facial skin? Soap contains certain chemicals that make the skin dull. Not only this, it also makes your skin dry and robs the skin of moisture by removing natural oils and sebum from the skin. The pH level of the skin becomes unbalanced and the skin starts getting damaged.

If you want, you can keep your facial skin healthy by using household items instead of soap. Some natural face washes are also available in the market, which do not make your skin dry and lifeless. Whatever face product you use, keep in mind that it is suitable for your skin type .

6. Don’t be in stress

Stress is a disease that is not visible from the outside but keeps eating you from the inside. It not only troubles you mentally but also attacks your health [ 4 ]. Stress makes our body release a hormone called cortisol, which makes the skin release more sebum, which clogs the pores. One of the reasons for pimples on the face is your constant stress.

To calm your body in a stressful situation, you should take a bath with cold water. If you want, you can use a fragranced product while bathing, it will bring peace to your stressed mind. Along with body massage, facial massage is also effective in relieving your stress to a great extent. You can rub ice on your face to make the nerves of your facial skin feel relaxed.

7. Clean your face before sleeping

woman cleansing the face before shower

The makeup on your face, the pollution outside, the dust particles penetrate inside your face through the pores. Have you ever thought how much this dirt can harm your skin? Your skin goes into repair mode only at night. Therefore, it is important that you clean your skin thoroughly before sleeping at night.

First of all, remove the makeup from your face as soon as you reach home. For this, you can use cleansing milk or makeup remover. Also, using a good night cream before sleeping at night will give you a glow on your face.

8. Keep your mind safe

Frustration and anger are some of the reasons due to which your face loses its glow. Therefore, it is important that no matter what the situation, you try to keep your mind calm. Take your mind to such a state that no sadness or trouble can easily shake you. To achieve this state, you can meditate. It helps to keep your mind calm to a great extent and your skin will never stop glowing.

9. Adopt natural food style

foods for healthy glowing skin

Image: Shutterstock

We all know that our body looks like what we eat. That is why we should include fresh fruits and green vegetables in our diet. It works magically on our skin and the proteins, vitamins, minerals etc. present in them benefit us. The fruits and vegetables available in the season should be eaten. For example, in winters, fruits like oranges and green vegetables like spinach, fenugreek etc.

Home Remedies for Glowing Skin

Bringing glow on the face is not very easy, but it is not very difficult either. For this, we just need to take a look at our kitchen and house. Our grandmothers did not boast about our kitchen without any reason. They knew very well that this kitchen not only satisfies our hunger but also makes us beautiful.

1. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a miraculous way to keep your skin glowing [ 5 ]. It helps in retaining the moisture in the skin. It also has anti-ageing properties that prevent the skin from losing its elasticity and reduce wrinkles. Its moisturising properties help in retaining the moisture in the skin and prevent dryness. Its anti-acne properties help in reducing acne and also soothe inflammation.

How to use

  • You can apply aloe vera gel on your skin anytime.
  • If you have normal skin, you can also use it in place of moisturizer.
  • Otherwise, massage your skin with it before going to bed at night.
  • If you have an aloe vera plant in your house, then break a stem of it and take out the gel from it and apply it on your face.

2. Green tea

Green tea is not only good for drinking but is also useful for applying on the skin. Green tea protects your face from sunlight and protects it from problems like skin cancer. It also protects against pimples on the face and controls the premature signs of ageing on the face.

How to use

  • Boil green tea in about half a cup of water.
  • After this, add brown sugar and cream to it and massage your face with it. This makes your skin glowing.

3. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is widely used by people of South India. It not only provides great moisture but also keeps our skin cool. It also protects our skin from the harsh sun rays and acts as an excellent anti-aging oil which prevents visible signs of aging.

How to use

  • Just like we use cream, we should use coconut oil in the same way.
  • You should apply it on your skin
  • You can apply it on every part of the body.
  • This also makes our skin firm and glowing.

4. How much coconut water to drink daily

Women are advised to drink coconut water during pregnancy. But anyone can drink it on normal days as well. By consuming it daily, you will start seeing a difference on the face and other parts of the body in just a few days.

5. Turmeric

Turmeric is known as the queen of spices. It is also effective in curing skin problems [ 6 ]. Turmeric is used as a home remedy for glowing face and protects us from photoaging and psoriasis. It has anti-oxidant properties and when mixed with gram flour, it exfoliates the skin and brings life to the skin.

How to use

  • Mix gram flour and water with turmeric and make a scrub.
  • Then apply it on the face and after 10-15 minutes when it dries, wash it by rubbing gently.
  • This paste can bring such a glow to your skin that no expensive cream can.

6. Milk

Milk is also very nourishing for the skin. If you have dry skin, there is no better moisturizer than milk. The vitamin A in milk keeps your skin glowing.

How to use

  • Prepare a pack by mixing raw milk, gram flour and honey, now apply it on the face.
  • Wash it off after about 15 minutes, your face will glow.
  • You can apply this pack once or twice a week. It does not let the moisture go away from the skin.


You can easily get glowing skin by adopting the above-mentioned home remedies and solutions. With these tips, your skin will not only become glowing but the complexion will also become fair. These remedies and home remedies are very easy, using which you can fulfill your dream of getting glowing skin.

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