18 Home Remedies for Skin Care in Winter

Dry and lifeless skin. As soon as winter starts, people start getting troubled by such skin problems. Many types of moisturizers and body lotions are used. But have you ever wondered why the skin needs so much care in winter?

Apart from moisturizer and body lotion, there are many other ways through which you can take care of your skin. Believe me, if you follow these winter beauty tips properly, then everyone will ask, what is the secret of this youthful skin?

Some special tips for skin care in winter

You will find many types of products in the market for skin care in winter. These are available in the form of body lotion, skin care cream, moisturizer etc. Some products are also available according to skin type . These are more beneficial as compared to other products. Whether you use them or not, it depends on you. We are going to tell you some basic things. By keeping these in mind, you can take better care of your skin.

1. Watch Your Diet

Everyone wants their skin to look young forever. People use many types of beauty products for this. But the beauty of the skin is not just from outside, it also requires nutrition from inside. Yes! The healthier your diet is, the more your skin will glow. We have to take care of this in everything from fruits to vegetables and other food items.

  • You have to include such fruits in your diet which are rich in antioxidants.
  • In winter season, you should especially include green vegetables in your diet. This gives you many nutrients necessary for the body. Spinach, fenugreek, bathua, mustard are some such green vegetables which are easily available in winter season.
  • Fat is also an essential nutrient for our skin. It helps in retaining moisture in our skin during winters. Include healthy fats in your diet like fish, seeds and nuts like peanuts, almonds, etc.

2. Do not forget to moisturize

woman applying mousturizer cream on her face in winter in the street

Image: Shutterstock

Winters and the pollution in this season absorb the moisture from our skin. This makes the face dry and white patches appear on it. In such a situation, the skin needs to be moisturized artificially. This is available in the market in the form of body lotion, moisturizer, cream. You can also moisturize your skin with homemade methods. And yes, make it a routine in winters. Because if you do not do this, your skin will remain dry.

3. Oil Therapy

Oil is essential for our skin. Its use in winters provides moisture to the skin. The skin becomes dry in winters anyway. Some of our habits also affect the skin. For example, these days people use very hot water while bathing. Bathing with very hot water dries the skin of our head, which increases the problem of dandruff and also affects the skin of the body.

Therefore, it is necessary to massage the body with oil immediately after bathing. For this, use face oil like coconut oil, olive oil etc., because face oil contains polyphenols, fatty acids and anti-oxidants. These maintain the glow of our skin . Mustard oil and almond oil can also be used. The good thing is that these are also used for head hair.

4. Lip Care

You will be surprised to know that our lips become dry 10 times faster than our skin. In winters, most of the body remains covered, but not our lips. The most sensitive part of human skin is the skin of the lips. It is thinner than the rest of the skin of the body and requires more care.

Cold and dry winds and hot winds damage the skin of our lips and make them rough. If not taken care of, lips get chapped, which is a painful condition for anyone. Be it winter or any season, lips need special care and you should take care of this.

5. Lip Balm

girl with white winter cap applying lip balm

Image: Shutterstock

Lip balms form a layer on the lips and provide moisture to the lips. There are many brands of lip balms available in the market. But before buying them, definitely look at the products used in making them. Lip balms are made with the help of wax based ingredients. Wax, camphor and sometimes some medicines are also used in making them.

Some lip balms provide immediate benefits to the lips and nourish the skin, but using them for a long time can make the lips dry. This is due to the camphor, alum, salicylic acid and menthol used in making these lip balms. While buying a lip balm, choose a lip balm that is made using wax, cocoa butter, etc.

6. Hair Care

girl is looking at her hair in the process of  winter hair care

Image: Shutterstock

Hair also needs special care in winters. These days the problem of dandruff is more common. When dandruff increases, hair starts breaking and hair growth is also affected.

  • Oil massage is very important for hair care. For this you can use olive oil. Keep in mind that the oil should be applied on the roots of the hair.
  • If dandruff has increased a lot, then mix one teaspoon of lemon juice in mustard oil and apply it on the roots of the hair. Then after one to one and a half hours, wash the head thoroughly with mild shampoo. Make sure to dry the hair in the morning sun and do not comb wet hair.

Home remedies for skin care in winter

According to ancient practices, these home remedies work for skin care.

1. Glycerin

After water and fragrances, glycerin is the third most important ingredient used in cosmetic products. It is the most important ingredient used in moisturizers and lotions. Glycerin hydrates the outer layer of our skin. It protects the skin from irritation etc. and also helps in healing wounds faster.

It is a natural compound found in vegetable oils and animal fats. Avoid using pure glycerin. You can apply it by mixing it with rose water. Many people are allergic to it. If you experience itching , redness or rashes, stop using it.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is used in all our kitchens. But we often ignore it for use on the skin. It has been said in many researches that coconut oil has everything that is necessary for our skin.

It repairs the damage caused to our skin due to pollution and other reasons. It also helps in protecting the skin from external infections. It also acts as a natural moisturizer for the skin and can be applied on sensitive areas such as under the eyes and lips.

Method of use :

  • It is most beneficial to apply coconut oil before sleeping at night.
  • Take eight to ten drops of coconut oil in both your palms and rub your palms.
  • Now massage the face from bottom to top with light hands.
  • Once the oil dries completely, repeat this process again.
  • Next morning, wash your face while taking bath.

3. Milk and Almonds

In winter, a mixture of milk and almonds is used to remove pigmentation. Milk can hydrate our skin as well as reduce blemishes. Milk helps in bleaching the skin, which can be a remedy for facial blemishes. Almond oil is a natural emollient that maintains moisture in our skin.

4. Petroleum Jelly

It is a mixture of mineral oil and wax. Petroleum is its most important part, which is beneficial for the skin. It acts as a moisturizer for the skin. It is also used in skin care after skin injury and surgery. It is used not only for the face but also in the treatment of cracked heels and cracked lips.

But while using it, one has to be careful that it does not enter the body. Do not use it on children either. Vaseline used in homes is also a form of petroleum jelly.

5. Banana Face Pack

Bananas contain ample moisture and antioxidants, which help in making our skin soft. It prevents acne and also prevents wrinkles from appearing on the face. Banana face packs are prepared in many ways.

In case of acne prone skin, a face pack of banana, neem and turmeric is made. People with oily skin can make and apply a face pack of banana and papaya. We are telling you about a banana and honey face pack, which is beneficial for dry skin in winters.

Method of use :

  • Take half banana in a bowl and make a paste out of it.
  • When it turns into a fine paste, add one teaspoon of honey to it.
  • Now apply this face pack on the face. Wash the face after 15 to 30 minutes.

6. Raw Milk And Honey

Raw milk contains lactic acid and alpha hydroxy acid. These are used a lot in making beauty products. It also works as an excellent moisturizer for dry skin in winters . On the other hand, honey provides moisture to the skin for a long time. It also helps in removing dead cells from the face.

Method of use :

  • Take one teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of raw milk.
  • Mix these two ingredients until a creamy paste is formed.
  • Now with the help of cotton, apply it on the face in a circular manner.
  • After 15 to 20 minutes, wash the face while massaging with cold water.
  • Now apply any moisturizer on the face.

Tips for skin care in winter

1. Drink plenty of water

One of the reasons for dry skin in winter can be lack of water in the body. Because people feel less thirsty in winter, most people forget to drink water. Due to this, the skin does not get enough moisture and the skin starts cracking. When this condition becomes very severe, dry skin and even dehydration can occur. Therefore, drink plenty of water even in winter. An adult should drink at least 2 liters of water even in winter.

2. Make Scrub At Home

It is important to moisturize the skin in winter. Along with this, cleaning the skin is also important. Scrub does both these jobs. You can prepare it at home. A scrub can be prepared by mixing coconut oil, sugar and lemon.

  • Mix half cup coconut oil, 2 tablespoons sugar and one tablespoon lemon juice well.
  • Keep in mind that it becomes a little thick. You can store it in a glass bottle.
  • Scrub it on your face for 20 minutes at intervals of a few days and leave it. You will start seeing results.

3. Take precautions while bathing

Who doesn’t like to bathe in hot water? Believe me, your skin doesn’t like it at all. Very hot water absorbs the moisture from the skin and makes the skin dry. Very hot water is also harmful for hair and is a common cause of dandruff. But in winters, one cannot bathe in cold water either. That is why you should bathe in very lukewarm water and after bathing, do a body massage with oil.

4. Use almond oil

Almond oil takes care of the skin as well as the hair. It contains nutrients like Vitamin A, E, Omega 3 fatty acids and Zinc. As far as skin care is concerned, almond oil reduces dark circles under the eyes. It is effective on acne. It does not let the skin become dry and also protects it from damage caused by sunlight.

5. Cream and rose water will benefit

There are many nutrients found in cream, which are very beneficial for the skin. Rose water brightens our skin. You will benefit by making a face pack of both of these and applying it. Mix rose water in cream. Now keep this pack on the face until the face dries completely. After this, wash the face with water. After applying it for a few days, you will start seeing the difference.

6. Coconut is effective for the skin

Coconut can be called an excellent tonic for the skin. Coconut oil has many benefits. Whether it is to moisturize the skin or to reduce blemishes, coconut oil is quite effective in this. It is also effective in acne and can also be applied under the eyes and on the lips, which are sensitive parts of the face.


To protect your skin from dry and lifeless skin in winters, you don’t need to buy expensive beauty products from the market. All you need to do is look into the kitchen and pay attention to those small remedies which are eagerly waiting to enhance your skin.

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