Best ways to prevent hair fall

Be it a girl or a boy, a man or a woman, everyone wants to look smart, and your hairstyle is of great importance in this. In such a situation, hair fall has become a common problem in the current lifestyle. Everyone wants a solution to hair problems, and for this, they try everything from medical treatment to home remedies for hair.

Despite trying all the remedies to stop hair fall, many people are not able to stop their hair from falling. Today we will tell you why hair falls. Along with this, we will know some solid remedies to stop hair fall. If you try these in time, then hopefully you will be able to increase your ‘smartness’ further.

What is hair fall?

Hair loss is also known as Alopecia. Both men and women lose hair, but its effect is more visible in men and this problem leads to baldness. Hair loss can occur from the head to the entire body, but usually a man or woman takes it seriously only when the hair on his or her head starts falling rapidly.

Although hair loss is a normal process after the age of 40, but if the hair is falling rapidly at a younger age, i.e. before 40, then you need to be alert. If you have thick hair, then it is normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs every day, because new hair replaces the old hair. [ 1 ] But this does not happen always.

Sometimes the hair falls, but new hair does not replace it. This happens to many people gradually, so they realize it late. For many people, the hair falls rapidly and the scalp becomes visible in a few months. In such a situation, most people start taking various measures for hair fall even before knowing the reason for it.

Causes of hair fall

The causes of hair fall can be related to your physical and mental health. If your hair is falling rapidly, you can assess the causes of hair fall yourself. Dermatologists also take as much information as possible about your hair before starting the treatment.

  • The most important reason for hair fall is genetics. Meaning, if there is a history of baldness in your family, then this can also be a reason for your hair falling. You can also understand it this way that if most of the people in your father or mother’s family have lost their hair prematurely, then your hair is also falling due to this reason.
  • Sometimes hair growth stops for some time and this also causes hair fall. This usually happens after a serious illness or surgery. In such a situation, after the patient recovers, his hair growth also picks up speed.
  • The problem of hair fall is seen in women during pregnancy, during child birth and for some time thereafter and even after menopause.
  • Hair fall also occurs due to thyroid or infection in the scalp.
  • Apart from this, the problem of hair fall is also seen in people who take medicines for cancer, BP, heart disease, depression and arthritis.
  • You will be surprised to know that sometimes hair starts falling due to ’emotional shock’. For example, when someone close to the family dies.
  • In the changing lifestyle, eating habits are also a reason for hair loss. If there is a lack of protein, iron and other essential nutrients in the food, then the problem of hair loss and thinning hair is seen. [ 2 ]

Hair loss treatment

Many people do not take hair fall seriously and when the hair starts falling rapidly, they try a few remedies and then stop. But no treatment works in just a few days. It is done at many levels. First of all, it is important that you know your hair type . What we are going to tell you can be very useful in stopping your hair fall.

Medical Treatments to Stop Hair Fall

If the hair is falling very fast, then medical treatment can be taken. It is available in the form of allopathy as well as homeopathy. Treatment with homeopathy lasts for a long time. We are telling you about two such medicines, which are being used all over the world to treat hair fall. You can also take them after consulting a doctor.

Medicines to stop hair loss

1. Minoxidil

Androgenetic alopecia is one of the causes of hair loss in both men and women. This is a genetic type of hair loss that has a family history. Men start losing hair at the age of 20 due to this condition. Women also start losing hair by the age of 40.

In this situation, Minoxidil medicine is given. The special thing is that this medicine is also used in the treatment of high blood pressure. But if you have problems like burning sensation in the eyes, itching , rashes, headache or swelling in the face after using this medicine, then stop the medicine. Pregnant women should also not take it. Most importantly, do not use the medicine without medical advice.

2. Finasteride

This drug is being used all over the world to treat baldness in men. Some research has also been done on this drug, which revealed that the hair of some people taking Finasteride grew again. But the special thing is that Finasteride does not affect the hair or scalp.

This medicine controls the level of a hormone called DHT or dry hydro testosterone. The increase in this hormone causes damage to the hair roots in men and hair starts falling. By controlling the level of DHT, hair fall reduces and their growth starts. But do not use this medicine without medical advice.

Treatments to stop hair loss

People who have lost their hair completely or in a part of the head can also grow hair again. This is available in many ways in the form of hair transplantation. So let’s know about these too.

1. Stem cell therapy

The growth of human hair starts from the follicles located in the scalp. When these follicles die, they do not allow new hair to grow. In stem cell therapy, these follicles are stimulated. This produces new follicles and hair growth begins. This therapy helps in growing new hair in three to four months and is more effective and safe than other therapies. It is used for both men and women.

2. Intensive Hair Root Therapy

In this therapy, first it is found out that what is the reason for hair fall. After that, the nutrients required for hair are put directly in the roots of hair in the form of medicines. Microinjections are used for this and there is absolutely no pain. After taking this treatment, new hair starts growing after two-three months.

3. Laser hair treatment

This treatment is mostly used in case of hair loss due to genetic reasons. This treatment increases blood circulation in the scalp and increases the metabolism of hair follicles. After this, hair growth starts. This treatment is usually taken when hair loss occurs in a particular part of the head.

4. Hair transplant

People who have lost their hair or are suffering from hair loss often go for hair transplant. In the last few years, this has become the most popular treatment for baldness. Scalp reduction is the oldest method of hair transplantation. This treatment is used in people who have good hair on the back or sides of their head and no hair in the middle.

In this, the scalp is removed from the area where there is no hair and the scalp or skin is transplanted which has hair growth. This is one of the earliest methods of hair transplantation. With changing times, other methods of hair transplant have also come up. The doctor will decide which treatment you will need.

Home Remedies For Hair Fall

Many home remedies have been used for centuries to stop hair fall. We are going to tell you some such remedies, which are economical and easy to try.

1. Amla

Amla works as a traditional hair tonic to enhance hair growth and beauty. The oil extracted from its fruits strengthens hair and accelerates its growth.

How to use

  • Cut Amla into pieces and dry it in the sun.
  • When it is thoroughly dried, put some pieces in coconut oil and boil it well.
  • Store this oil after it cools down and apply it on your hair.
  • It is also said that it prevents hair from turning grey.
  • You can also soak dried pieces of amla in water overnight. Apply the water on the hair roots the next morning. This also nourishes the hair. [3]

2. Fenugreek

You must have eaten fenugreek vegetable in winters. The seeds of this plant are a mixture of yellow and brown colour. They are used to stop hair fall.

How to use

  • Soak one or two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds overnight.
  • Grind it in the morning and apply it on the roots of the hair.
  • Wash hair after one hour.
  • Applying it two to three times a week stops hair fall.

3. Oil Massage

Massage is very important to maintain moisture in the skin. Our hair and scalp also need something similar. Massaging the head with oil not only provides moisture to the scalp, but also strengthens the hair roots. This improves blood circulation and hair growth. It also gets rid of dandruff.

How to use

  • Mustard, coconut and olive oils are commonly used for hair and scalp massage.
  • In summer, apply the oil at normal temperature and give priority to massage with coconut oil.
  • In summer, use mustard and olive oil after warming it slightly.
  • Remember to massage with oil gently. Do not pull the hair. This will cause them to break.
  • Women should massage their head about two days a week. Men can massage their head with light oil three to four days a week.

4. Onion Juice

According to a research, applying raw onion juice on the scalp is useful in hair regrowth. The use of onion juice can be beneficial in alopecia areata (hair loss condition). [ 4 ]

How to use

  • After peeling the onion, grind it in a mixer.
  • Now separate the mixture through a sieve.
  • Apply this mixture on the hair roots with the help of cotton.
  • If you are troubled by dandruff, then applying lemon juice mixed with onion juice will be beneficial.
  • You can try this for about two days a week. Store the remaining mixture in a glass bottle in the refrigerator.

5. Shikakai

Shikakai has been traditionally used for hair care since ancient times in the Indian subcontinent. It is one of the Ayurvedic medicinal plants. To prepare it, the beans, leaves and bark of the plant are dried and then powdered or made into a paste. It is considered a good cleanser. It is naturally low pH, and does not strip the oil from the hair.

How to use

  • Shikakai is applied to hair in the form of oil, shampoo and conditioner.
  • It is also used mixed with Amla and Retha.
  • You can apply shikakai powder to your hair by mixing it with any hair oil, curd or egg.

Some important things to prevent hair fall

1. Right diet

Proper diet is the most important thing for better treatment of any physical problem and the same applies to hair loss as well.

  • Vegetables and salads: You must include green leafy vegetables in your diet. Include salad in your diet more than three days a week.
  • Ajwain and Tulsi: Also make Ajwain and Tulsi a part of your diet. You can drink Tulsi tea. Both these things are beneficial for your stomach, which is also related to your healthy hair.
  • Protein: Include protein-rich foods in your diet. You will get it from eggs, fish and chicken. If you are a vegetarian, then increase the use of peanuts, low-fat dairy products, legume vegetables and green peas.
  • Vitamins: Vitamin A is very important for better hair growth. Spinach and sweet potatoes are its major sources. You can eat them as vegetables. According to doctors, vitamins A, B, C, D, iron and zinc are very important for better growth and strength of hair. After medical advice, you can fulfill their deficiency by taking multivitamin capsules.

2. The warm morning sun

Sit in the warm morning sun for some time. If your hair is wet, do not comb it but dry it in the morning sun. This will provide Vitamin D to your hair.

3. Avoid treatment

Avoid using machine curls or straightens your hair. This weakens your hair and causes it to break. Avoid chemical treatments like hair color. If you are using hair color, choose a color that does not contain ammonia. [ 5 ]

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can we stop genetic hairfall?

If hair is falling due to genetic reasons, then it cannot be stopped. Yes, this process can be slowed down by adopting various treatments. Testosterone levels can be reduced by using medicines, but nothing can be done about those hair follicles which have been affected due to increased hormones.

2. Is everyday hair shedding a sign of danger?

Hair loss and new hair growth in their place is a normal process. If you have 100,000 hair on your head and 50 to 100 of them fall out every day, then it is normal. Yes, if the hair is falling in very large numbers and very fast and new hair is not growing in the same numbers, then you should be alert.

3. Does oiling reduce hair fall?

It depends on the reason behind hair fall. If hair fall is due to stress, hormonal changes or genetics, then applying oil will be of little use. But yes, the moisture provided by oil makes hair and scalp healthy. Massaging hair with oil from time to time is necessary.

4. Can hairfall happen after new hair growth?

In many cases this has been seen after a few months. But in many cases permanent baldness occurs after some time.


Hair loss can happen to anyone. If you ever face this problem, it is better to first know the cause of hair loss. Most people do not get to the bottom of it. They directly start taking treatment and lose their hair. Taking the right treatment with the right understanding at the right time can prevent hair loss, if the cause is not genetic.

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