Easy ways to increase hair

If the hair is beautiful, it automatically enhances the beauty of the face and the personality. Hair is so important for our personality that whether it is long or short, without it the personality seems incomplete. This is the reason why everyone wants long black hair. Women are a little ahead in this matter because most of them want long hair. On the other hand, no man wants his hair to fall. But many times due to many reasons like bad hair products, poor diet, poor mental state and increasing pollution day by day, hair growth stops and hair starts falling. Therefore, we need to take special care of our hair, and we have many natural things available with the help of which we can grow our hair faster at home.

Main reasons for not growing long hair

Everyone wants their hair to grow and not fall. But have you ever wondered what are the reasons for hair not growing. What are the reasons due to which our hair does not grow. Until we know these reasons properly, we will not be able to find ways to grow hair. There are many reasons for hair not growing long, the main ones are –

  • Heredity means that if anyone in your family has this hair related problem then it is possible that your hair too may not be long.
  • Even if you are growing older, your hair may stop growing.
  • Excessive consumption of junk food available these days also has a negative effect on the hair and the hair stops growing.
  • Sometimes hair fall can also be caused by a hair infection. Bacteria [ 1 ] grow on the scalp and that is why hair fall does not stop.
  • If you consume junk food, it is obvious that you will not eat nutritious food, this way the body will be deficient in nutrients and hair will stop growing.
  • Pollution is the biggest enemy of hair. The dust and germs present in pollution reach the hair and roots and weaken them and hair growth stops.
  • Many times, due to some disease, we have to take medicines and these medicines are so strong that they have adverse effects on the hair.
  • Mental stress is a big reason why you don’t feel healthy and neither do your hair and as a result, they stop growing.
  • With age, hormonal changes often occur which adversely affect hair growth.
  • Many times, we knowingly or unknowingly use hair products containing chemicals for styling our hair, which is not good for the hair in any way.
  • Dandruff [ 2 ] or a scalp infection could also be a cause.

Ways to grow hair faster

beautiful woman combing long natural hair

You can use rice water to grow hair faster. For this, soak rice in water. After about 20 minutes, drain this water and massage it lightly on the hair and scalp. Then wash the hair with plain water. Rice water contains a carbohydrate called inositol, which is good for hair. Amino acid is also found in it, which strengthens the hair roots and makes the hair thick, black and shiny.

The right diet to grow hair faster

If you want to grow your hair faster, then you will have to improve your diet. You will have to include some things in your diet which will have a positive effect on the hair and the hair will start growing faster.

  • Biotin: Biotin plays an important role in hair growth. Bananas, eggs, and milk are rich in biotin [ 3 ], so include them in your daily diet.
  • Omega 3 fatty acid: Omega 3 fatty acid thickens the hair and prevents hair fall. This means that it plays a big role in growing hair, so you should eat fish for omega 3 fatty acid.
  • Vitamins: Hair needs foods rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E [ 4 ]. For this, you must include broccoli, cabbage, spinach, sprouts, tomatoes, onions, beans, soya, peas, apples, oranges, berries, grapes, walnuts, pistachios, peanuts, cheese, yogurt, and lentils in your diet.

Healthy mind is essential for hair growth

For hair growth, a healthy mind is as important as adopting healthy eating habits in your daily life. If you are living under stress, have made many kinds of troubles your friend and worry is not leaving you, then it means that you are not healthy from within. Your constant worry can have a bad effect on your hair. Worry, stress and tension not only prevent hair growth, but are also a major cause of hair loss. [ 5 ]

Yogasanas to increase hair

Stress is an important reason due to which hair growth stops. In such a situation, yoga plays an important role in preventing hair fall and increasing hair length.

  • Uttanasana: Uttanasana may seem a little difficult in the beginning but gradually you will master it. For this, you have to stand straight on the ground by spreading a mat. Now take a deep breath and exhale, then bend forward at the waist. Try to touch the ground with your hands and your head with the knees. Take special care that your knees do not bend in this position. Stay in this position for a few seconds and breathe normally. Then return to the old position. You can repeat this as many times as possible.
  • Vajrasana: Sit on the mat with the support of your knees and join the toes of both feet but the heels should be separate. Keep the back and head straight and both the palms on the knees. Make sure that both knees are together. Close your eyes and keep breathing normally. Sit like this for a while.
  • Balayam: In this yoga, you just have to rub your finger nails together. You can do this anytime and anywhere.

Take care of your hair daily

Unless you take care of your hair on a daily basis, your hair will not grow fast. For this, first of all, use shampoo, conditioner and oil according to your hair. If it is very hot or cold, keep your hair covered so that your hair does not break due to the weather. Avoid using hot tools like dryer to dry hair or for any other work. Nourish your hair by oil massage twice a week and include green leafy vegetables and seasonal fruits in your diet.

Essential Home Remedies for Hair Growth

There are many home remedies available in our home for hair growth, using which we can grow our hair faster and prevent hair fall.

1. Onion Juice

onion juice well mixed with organic olive oil which boosts hair growth

Onion juice is one such remedy which is very effective. It not only lengthens the hair but also makes it thicker. It is also beneficial in alopecia ( hair loss problem ).

Method of use : Chop the onion and grind it in a mixer. Now put the ground onion in a thin cotton or muslin cloth and squeeze it. The juice will come out easily. Apply it on the hair and roots with the help of finger tips or cotton. Leave it on the hair for about half an hour and then wash the hair with shampoo.

2. Egg Recipe

One of the home remedies to increase hair length is egg, the peptide contained in it plays an important role in lengthening the hair.

Method of use : Crack the egg without boiling it and take out its liquid in a vessel. Now beat it well and apply it on the hair. If you want, wear a cap over it, this will reduce the smell of the egg. After half an hour, wash the hair with plain water and shampoo.

3. Coconut Oil

Massaging your scalp with coconut oil works wonders. It promotes blood circulation in the hair and scalp and makes the hair stronger. Coconut oil contains fatty acids that nourish the hair. It is the only oil that also helps in replenishing protein deficiency in the hair [ 6 ].

Method of use : Put coconut oil in a vessel on the gas and warm it. Now apply this oil on the hair and roots with the help of cotton or finger tips. Massage gently. Apply oil generously on the length of the hair as well.

4. Henna

Henna or Mehndi is a great way to condition hair. It is also effective in increasing the length of hair.

Method of use : If you take natural henna then there is nothing better than this, that is, you should plant a henna plant in your house and use its leaves. Mix a little curd (a good source of probiotics) in a cup of henna powder and prepare the mixture. Now apply this mixture on the hair with the help of a brush. When this mixture dries, wash the hair with plain water. Then shampoo the next day. Some people may be allergic to henna, so if you are going to use it for the first time, then first try applying a little to your hair.

5. Shikakai

Shikakai is like nectar for hair. It makes your hair soft and shiny and also repairs dry scalp. It gets rid of dandruff and promotes hair growth. It removes split ends, prevents greying of hair, and also removes lice if present in the hair. It also works as a natural hair cleanser.

Method of use : You can make Shikakai shampoo at home. For this, take some Shikakai fruits and add some seedless Reeta, dried Amla and fenugreek seeds and leave it in water overnight. Now boil it in the morning and when everything becomes soft, turn off the gas and let it cool. Drain the water and shampoo your hair with this water.

You can also make Shikakai oil. For this, mix two-three spoons of Shikakai powder with one cup of almond oil and two cups of coconut oil and keep it in a glass bottle. Shake it several times until the Shikakai powder is mixed properly in it. It will dissolve completely in 8-10 days, after that you can use this oil to massage your hair.

Tips to increase hair

happy woman holding her hair
  • Another way to grow hair is to massage your hair and scalp regularly. Massage at least twice a week.
  • Adequate sleep is another important thing for hair growth, if you do not get 7-8 hours of sleep then its effect will not only be seen on your skin but also on your hair and hair growth will stop.
  • Say goodbye to stress, anxiety and stress as they have an adverse effect on hair growth.
  • Split ends stop the length of hair in the middle, hence trimming hair at the right time is important.

Supplements For Hair Growth

You have corrected your diet, are also doing regular massage, still you want to take some supplements as a measure to grow your hair. Although there are many types of supplements available in the market, it is not necessary that all of them are good. If you want to use any supplement, then first understand your hair and then choose the right product accordingly.

Advice to stop hair loss

If you have tried many remedies and still you are not seeing any significant change then you should consult a trichologist. He will give you the right advice and also tell you about taking some necessary medicines.


We can try many home remedies to increase the length of hair which adds to our personality. We can increase hair length by including some essential things in our diet and making some changes in our lifestyle. These remedies are within our budget and are easily available. Along with the remedies to increase hair length, it is also important to keep yourself away from mental problems, stress and anxiety.

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