Follow home remedies to get rid of pigmentation

Are blemishes ruining your complexion? Do you have to hide them behind makeup? Pigmentation is a condition that can make your complexion look dull.

In such a situation, some people resort to expensive creams and treatments. Despite this, the spots increase again as soon as you go out in the sun. You assume that with time these spots will also fade. If you believe us, try home remedies instead of medicines and treatments. You will definitely benefit from them. It was not for nothing that our grandmothers were proud of these remedies! There must be something special in them!

What is pigmentation?

Pigmentation refers to the complexion of your skin. It is also known as skin pigmentation disorder or freckles. Our skin gets its color from a pigment called melanin. Excessive production of melanin leads to darker skin color, while less production of melanin leads to wheatish or fair skin color.

When skin cells become damaged or unhealthy for some reason, it affects the production of melanin. Some pigmentation disorders [ 1 ] affect a small area of ​​our skin, but others affect our entire body.

Types of pigmentation

There are mainly three types of pigmentation – albinism (albino), [ 2 ] melasma and vitiligo. People have many misconceptions about pigmentation. Many times we mistake dark spots and suntan as pigmentation. But these are physical disorders of pigmentation, which often occur due to lack of proper facial care. Apart from this, pigmentation can also occur due to skin disorders. Read more about it below.

1. Albinism

Albinism is genetic. People suffering from it have white hair, dry skin and blue eyes. Their eyes may appear red in the light of the sun or bulb etc. Due to this disorder, sometimes a person may also have vision problems. There is no cure for albinism. In this condition, a person should avoid staying in sunlight for a long time. If you or someone close to you has albinism, please make sure to wear sunglasses and cap while going out in the sun.

2. Melasma

Melasma is the most common condition of pigmentation and is most common in women. It occurs in the dermis of the skin. The thick layer of living cells beneath the skin is called the dermis. It contains blood vessels, nerve endings, sweat glands, and hair follicles. It brightens and strengthens the skin.

In melasma, it appears as large brown patches on the face. After pregnancy and delivery, dark spots appear on the face, which you can call melasma. Sometimes excessive sun exposure, hormonal imbalance and taking contraceptive pills also cause melasma on the face.

3. Vitiligo

It is also called white. Due to ignorance, earlier people used to consider it a contagious disease, but it is not so. In some cases, it is completely cured. In most cases, vitiligo is genetic. It is considered an autoimmune disease. It is caused by the loss of pigment-producing cells in the skin (melanocytosis). In vitiligo, smooth and white patches are formed on the skin.

4. Scars caused by burns or injuries to the skin

Third-degree burns cause scarring, which can leave black or sometimes white spots on the skin. These usually fade over time.

Causes of pigmentation

Melanocytes produce the protein melanin in the skin. Dark-skinned people have more melanin than fair-skinned people. Their pigment cells produce more melanin, giving their skin a darker color. This process of melanization protects them from the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

Pigmentation affects the production of melanin. It can happen due to many reasons.

  • Pigmentation can occur due to prolonged exposure to the sun. When fair-skinned people are exposed to the sun, their skin gets tanned very quickly, which leads to pigmentation.
  • Dark spots are caused by hormonal imbalance. Increased secretion of the hormone estrogen during pregnancy [ 3 ] causes dark spots on the face, breasts and lower abdomen.
  • Pigmentation can also occur due to genetics and autoimmune diseases.
  • Pigmentation can also occur due to injury or any infection.

Treatment to remove freckles and dark spots

There are many ways to get rid of pigmentation and dark spots. If pigmentation is mild, you can use skin lightening and sun blocking creams to reduce pigmentation. [ 4 ] If pigmentation is deep, you can opt for chemical peels, micro needling, laser therapy and camouflage. Along with these treatments, you must keep the following things in mind:

  • If you are taking birth control or fertility enhancing medicine, stop it for a few days.
  • Wear sunglasses and keep your face covered when going out in the sun.
  • stay in makeup for a long time

1. Skin lightening cream

Hydroquinone is a cream that prevents the breakdown of pigment cells in the skin and helps in the production of melanin. It is mostly used in the treatment of melasma. It can sometimes cause itching of the skin. You must apply a sunblock cream while using it [ 5 ] . Retinoid is also a similar cream. Doctors recommend using it in the treatment of melasma and chloasma. Apart from this, many beauty products also make skin lightening creams, which you can apply.

2. Chemical peels

In this treatment, chemicals are applied on the skin which removes the upper layer of the skin. Chemical peel should be done under the supervision of an experienced dermatologist. It is not safe for a novice to do a chemical peel. Sometimes the skin becomes too white. In such a case, vitiligo can occur.

3. Micro needling

In this procedure, a needle is inserted deep into the skin with the help of a cream. This increases the amount of collagen and elastin. This can sometimes cause swelling, rashes and infection along with pain at that area.

4. Laser therapy

In certain types of laser therapy, the doctor stimulates the production of cells called melanocytes through a process. You should get this done only from a reputed hospital.

5. Skin Camouflage

This is a thick and colored cream. It works to conceal melasma and prolongs the life of your skin.

Home remedies for treating facial pigmentation

To reduce pigmentation, many home remedies can be adopted which our grandmothers used in the olden days. There are no side effects and the work is done in less cost. Let us know in which ways you can reduce pigmentation.

A. Treat freckles with carrots

Carrots are as delicious to eat as they are beneficial for your skin. They have natural antiseptic properties. Beta-carotene and iron present in carrots bring a glow to the skin and remove blemishes.

How to use :

  • Grind or grate carrots and extract their juice.
  • Now add a teaspoon of raw milk to it.
  • Apply this juice on the freckles with the help of cotton.
  • You can do this daily as well.

B. Treatment of freckles with potatoes

Potato has anti-pigmentation properties. It is a natural bleach. Applying it regularly reduces pigmentation.

How to use :

  • Cut the potato into two pieces and rub it on the pigmented area.
  • If you want, you can also grate potatoes and apply its juice on your face. In both ways, it will brighten your skin.
  • If your skin is dry, you can add two drops of honey to it.

C. Use of Tulsi in the problem of pigmentation (freckles)

Tulsi is very beneficial. The cooling properties present in it cool the skin. Tulsi not only purifies our soul and body, but also purifies the skin. It removes dust and dirt from the face. It is also helpful in preventing old age.

How to use :

  • Take out basil juice in a small spoon.
  • Now add two drops of lemon juice in it and apply it on the face with the help of cotton.
  • If you want, you can also make a face pack by mixing lemon and honey in basil powder and apply it.

D. Get rid of freckles by using Aloe Vera

Aloe vera proves to be effective in most skin related diseases. Due to the aloin element, aloe vera is considered a natural anti-pigmentation. Apart from cooling the skin, it also removes blemishes and spots.

How to use :

  • If you have an aloe vera plant, then cut one of its branches and leave it open for some time.
  • Now clean it, cut it in the middle and take out the pulp.
  • Apply this pulp with honey on the face.
  • If you want, apply vitamin-E capsules mixed with aloe vera cream at night before sleeping.

E. Treat freckles with turmeric

Turmeric has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It enhances the complexion of the skin and protects it from infections. It is used in Ubtan etc. Perhaps that is why in Indian culture, turmeric paste is applied to the bride and groom on the wedding day.

How to use :

  • Turmeric milk is not only beneficial when consumed, but it is also beneficial when applied as a face mask.
  • Mix two pinches of turmeric and one teaspoon of raw milk and apply it on your face daily. Then see how your face glows.

Your diet during pigmentation

1. To get rid of pigmentation, take special care of your diet.

2. Freckles on the face are caused by deficiency of iron and vitamin-A. Eat food that is rich in iron and vitamin A.

3. Citrus fruits like orange, sweet lime, orange, kiwi and lemon should also be consumed. Vitamin C helps in making the skin beautiful and blemish-free.

4. Drink fruit juice

5. Among vegetables, definitely eat green leafy vegetables and carrots.

6. Drink lots of water

7. Eat only peeled lentils, as they contain fiber, which prevents you from suffering from constipation.

What to avoid for preventing pigmentation?

  • Avoid eating stale food during pigmentation.
  • Avoid heavy food, junk food, and preservative-laden foods.
  • Do not drink cold drinks at all. Do not consume tea and coffee in excess.
  • Always keep your face covered to protect your skin from getting burnt by the sun’s rays.
  • Apply sunscreen before going out in the sun
  • Take off your makeup and sleep at night
  • Do regular exercise
  • Avoid eating foods high in sugar, excess salt, gluten, and yeast.
  • Do not drink alcohol and smoke etc.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

1. What food is good for skin pigmentation?

A balanced diet is very important for skin pigmentation. Apart from pulses and vegetables, eat citrus fruits like sweet lime, orange and kiwi. Consume carrots as much as possible.

2.Can pigmentation be cured permanently?

You can get rid of these spots by eating good food and exercising regularly. Along with this, facial care is also very important. Always use products that are friendly to your skin .

3. Can laser remove pigmentation?

In some cases, pigmentation can be cured with laser. If the problem is genetic, then pigmentation cannot be cured even with laser. You can lighten it with better diet and home remedies, but it can be cured only with medicines.


You can cure pigmentation by paying attention to the above mentioned home remedies and tips, because pigmentation usually gets cured without medicines. Take care of your diet and use only skin friendly products, surely your face will become blemish-free. Believe me, this way you will neither have to face any side effects nor will you have to spend much. With these remedies suggested by grandmothers, your skin will become clean and beautiful.

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