Follow these easy home remedies to remove dark spots from your face

What all do we not do to enhance the beauty of our face? We buy the most expensive products. Everyone wishes that their face should remain glowing for life. Whereas we all know that the effect of perfumed and unnatural products lasts only as long as we keep using them. As soon as we stop applying them on the face, the dark spots on the face come back again. Then not everyone’s pocket allows to buy such expensive products. In such a situation, we remember the teachings given by mother and the home remedies told by her. They do not have any adverse effect [ 1 ]. You just have to include them in your daily routine and in a few days you will feel the difference. Let us know how these home remedies can easily remove dark spots from the face.

What are dark spots? 

These are also called hyperpigmentation or melasma. Usually these are caused by staying in the sun for a long time. Sometimes even sun tan cream or tan removal has no effect on them. Actually our skin gets its color from pigment producing cells, which are called melanocytes. Melanin is produced from melanocytes. When these cells start getting damaged, they start producing more melanin in some parts of the skin. Due to which some parts of the skin start looking black, which we call black spots.

Types of dark spots

Nowadays, self-reliant girls don’t care about being fair or dark. What matters is having a beautiful skin. Sometimes even makeup cannot hide dark spots. Although it does not reduce their beauty, but when it comes to their confidence, it definitely affects them. Especially dark spots. This is a problem which sometimes reflects your poor health. Do you want to get rid of this problem? If yes, then first know what it is? And what type of dark spots you have. Then treat accordingly.

1. Melasma-

Melasma or chloasma is pigmentation that occurs deeper in the dermis of the skin. It appears as large brown patches on the face [ 3 ]. It is most common in women. It is often caused by hormonal changes. These hormonal changes are mostly caused by birth control pills or fertility enhancing drugs.

2. lentigines- (Lentigines)

This problem is caused by sun tanning. It can be prevented by using sun tanning creams on a daily basis. Actually, staying in the sun for long periods of time causes a darkening of the face. If this is not taken care of, it takes the form of pigmentation . These spots [ 4 ] can appear anywhere on the body. They can be light brown or black in colour. It depends on how the ultraviolet rays of the sun fall on these melanin pigments. This can lead to the development of skin cancer and melanoma.

Causes of dark spots

These dark spots on the skin make our complexion pale [ 2 ]. There are skin lightening products available in the market that claim to make your face fair and blemish-free. But using them regularly can be dangerous for the face. Sometimes, allergies, acne, or hormonal imbalances can cause dark spots on the face. These patches can be big or small. Women develop similar dark spots on their faces after pregnancy, which fade after delivery.

Other possible reasons behind dark spots

If the face itself gets spoiled, then the person’s self-confidence also starts to diminish. He reduces socializing. Then the changing lifestyle is also affecting our food habits. Perhaps, that is why every third woman can be seen having the problem of dark spots on the face.

1. Hormonal imbalance

To understand the hormonal imbalance in the body, you have to understand your diet and lifestyle. Irregular periods in women can be one of the reasons for this. Problems like PCOD, thyroid, fibroids and cysts cause dark spots on the face. Many hormones also control the production and secretion of other hormones. Everyone knows how important 8 hours of sleep is for us, if we do not get enough sleep, we become irritable. This creates extreme stress within us. Bad hormones start leaking in the body, which makes us unhealthy. Gradually, its effect starts appearing on the face. Dark spots and blemishes start appearing on the cheeks and forehead. Doctors give hormonal medicines to women who have problems in conceiving, which increases the amount of estrogen. At the same time, excessive consumption of steroid medicines can also cause hormonal problems.

2. Excess use of grooming products

We use cosmetics to beautify our face, but if you fall for cheapness, then understand that your skin can get damaged. Deep and black spots can appear on the face. Then you will try other products to cure them. Such experiments should be avoided on the face. The natural glow of the skin is lost due to the continuous use of these grooming products. Avoid buying products which have high alcohol content. Harsh detergents are often added to even the most expensive face washes available in the market, which makes the skin dry. Do you know that dark spots appear very quickly on dry skin! If seen, fairness creams also sometimes reduce the complexion of the face instead of enhancing it.

3. Age factor

With increasing age, many types of problems start appearing in the skin such as dark spots. If these dark spots are not removed in time, then they keep getting darker. After that many other problems start in the skin. Then gradually the pores of the skin start closing and dark spots appear on the face like a patch. This problem is more in women than in men. These spots are also called age spots. Apart from the face, dark spots can also appear on the shoulders, arms or back. These spots can be black or dark brown in appearance.

4. Genetic reasons

You must have often heard people say that they have inherited a particular problem from their family and it will get cured in the future, just like it happened to everyone else, but sometimes these dark spots on the face keep increasing with age. They increase more due to sun exposure. You will be surprised to know that dark spots on the face are also caused by genetic reasons. Some people start getting them at a young age. That means they get them from their parents or grandparents. Usually dark spots that are inherited are also caused by anemia or vitamin deficiency.

5. Pollution

There is no doubt that pollution is a threat to our health. If this continues, then one day our next generation will be born sick and malnourished due to global warming. This is not only harmful for our body but also for our skin. Take our elders, where they used to face the problem of dark circles and blemishes after delivery, we get it beforehand. Have you thought why? There is only one reason for this, pollution and dust and smoke coming out of vehicles are continuously damaging our skin.

Treatment of dark spots

These dark spots on the face can be treated in many ways. If the marks and patches are too deep, then Botox or laser therapy can be done for this. Apart from this, keep in mind that you have to use beauty products as little as possible. If you are in such a profession where it is difficult to avoid them, then apply sunscreen before applying anything. Apply sunscreen twice a day. However, there is a treatment for this in homeopathy as well. To remove dark spots, Barberry Aquafolium and Sepia are two medicines, which can reduce it. Along with this, you can also take supplements of Vitamin A, C, E and B-12.

Ways to get rid of dark spots

Believe me, you can get rid of these dark spots without any expense at home. You just have to adopt the remedies given by your mother and grandmother. We will tell you how. See, you can cure it only through food, but if you try some of these home remedies along with it, you can get rid of them very quickly.

1. Papaya is very beneficial

Papaya is indeed very beneficial. You will get as many benefits by applying it on your face as you get by eating it. Papaya is rich in vitamins A, C, E and K. Papaya is used in many beauty products. It has cleansing properties.

How to use

Cut a quarter of papaya and make a paste in a clean bowl. Now add ten drops of lemon and half a teaspoon of honey and mix. Your face pack is ready. You have to apply it at least twice a day. Only then will you get rid of these dark spots.

2. Aloe vera –

Aloe vera is easily available. If you have fresh aloe vera then apply it on your face. Otherwise you can use any aloe vera gel that suits your skin. It contains depigmentation compounds that lighten the skin tone.

How to use

You will benefit from applying aloe vera mixed with vitamin E. Before sleeping at night, mix both these things in your palm and apply it on the spots and blemishes.

3. Green Tea

Green tea works as a toner. It keeps your skin fresh. It also reduces excess facial fat. It also tightens the skin. It has amazing effects on dark spots.

How to use

Soak the green tea bag in a small bowl overnight. The next day add two tablespoons of rose water to that water. This is your toner. Spray it on your face before bathing. You have to keep it for about 10 minutes. Apart from this, you can keep the green tea bag in the fridge overnight and keep it directly on your face for some time, this will also start lightening your spots.

4. Honey

We all know how many benefits honey has. While it keeps your cold and cough at bay in winters, it also removes dryness and darkening of the skin.

How to use

Mix raw milk and honey in a spoon and rub it on the face. You have to do this for 10 minutes. By doing this twice a day, you will see that the dark spots on your skin have become much lighter.

5. Red Onion Juice

Onions are an excellent source of vitamin C, an antioxidant, which can be used to treat pigmentation.

How to use

You can apply onion juice directly on your face. Apply it on your face and leave it for about 30 minutes and then wash your face with cold water. Do this for at least 3 to 4 weeks.

Prevention Tips For Dark Spots

  • Water fulfills the needs of our body. Apart from keeping us hydrated, it also controls the body temperature. You have to ensure that you keep drinking water throughout the day. The more water you drink, the cleaner your skin will be.
  • Eat sprouts. Have salad in lunch. Eat fruits. Eat orange, lemon, guava, apple, papaya, grapes. These contain vitamin C. Vitamin C not only works for skin tightening but also controls melanin.
  • To remove dark spots, include carrots, green vegetables, beetroot and eggs in your diet. These are rich in Vitamin A.
  • Make sure to also eat sunflower oil, almonds and spinach. Vitamin E is present in plenty in these. It is an antioxidant.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

1. Which physical deficiency causes dark spots on the face?

Generally, dark spots on the face are caused due to the deficiency of vitamin B12. Sometimes, it is also caused due to being exposed to sunlight for a long time. Changes in hormones during pregnancy also cause such dark spots.

2. Is apple cider vinegar really effective in removing dark spots?

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which is effective in lightening the dark spots on the face. But it should not be applied directly on the face. Apply it only by mixing it with clean water or rose water. Otherwise, you may feel a burning sensation on the face.

3. Can salt water get rid of spots?

Salt opens the pores of our skin and removes dirt from them. It controls the excessive oil coming out of the skin. Here you will use rock salt only. Use it by mixing it with lukewarm water.

4. Can lemon remove black spots?

Lemon contains vitamin C, which is helpful in removing these dark spots. But apply it on the face only after mixing it with honey, turmeric or rose water etc. Actually, the natural bleach present in lemon can burn your skin.


By adopting the above-mentioned home remedies and solutions, you can get rid of your dark spots forever, but keep in mind that along with these tips, you also have to avoid strong sunlight. The ultraviolet rays of the sun can reduce their effect. Whenever you go out, cover your face, so that you can avoid tanning. For glowing skin, along with this, do yoga or exercise regularly and follow a healthy diet plan. Believe me, with these small and easy packs, your skin will look like 25 at the age of 40 and you will say wow! What a skin you have got.

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