Home remedies to make the skin fair

We all dream of flawless skin and perfect skin tone. But our lifestyle has become such that fair skin has remained a dream. But do not be disappointed because fair skin is possible! There are many ways for this, by adopting which you can get flawless, glowing and fair skin. By adopting the remedies mentioned in this article, you can get beautiful glowing fair skin.

8 ways to whiten the skin

1. Get enough sleep

If you don’t get eight hours of sleep every day, it has an adverse effect on your skin. Not only do your eyes look swollen, your face also gets swollen. Dark circles appear under the eyes and fatigue becomes clearly visible. Your skin cells are being repaired [ 1 ] during sleep, and lack of adequate sleep also affects the complexion of the skin.

2. Drink enough water

It is very important to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. It maintains the hydration level in your skin by flushing out all the toxins from your body. This way your skin stays clean, glowing and healthy. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.

3. Say no to chemicals

You put on makeup during the day and look at yourself in the mirror again and again. But did you know that many cosmetic products are full of harmful chemicals? It is important that you buy products that have the least amount of chemicals. Also, removing makeup when not needed will keep your skin away from chemicals. This way your pores will not get clogged and you will not have breakouts on your skin.

4. Wear sunscreen even when indoors

It is wrong to think that we will apply sunscreen only when we have to go out of the house. Sunscreen should be applied inside the house as well. It keeps your skin healthy and prevents blemishes. Regular use of sunscreen also prevents acne on the skin, due to which the skin remains spotless.

5. Moisturize your skin

If you always moisturize your skin, it will keep your skin healthy. There are many moisturizers available in the market, but if you want a natural moisturizer, apply coconut oil on wet skin immediately after bathing. The skin will absorb the coconut oil and your skin will remain soft all day long.

6. Exfoliate your skin

Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells and removes dull, tired skin, revealing fresh, glowing skin . Use products containing glycolic acid and lactic acid that absorb oil [ 2 ]. For the body, you can use a natural exfoliator like a mixture of sugar and salt. For the face, rub almond powder on wet skin in a circular motion. Exfoliating twice a week helps to make your skin glow.

7. Take steam on the face

It is very important to take steam on the face. The steam coming out of hot water opens up the clogged pores on the face. Even if you have any kind of blemishes on your face, it takes a step towards curing them by opening up the pores. It also removes the dead cells from your skin, which makes the skin clean and improves the complexion.

8. Use cold rose water:

Rose water is one of the most commonly used natural remedies for skin whitening and lightening. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties [ 3 ]. It also has anti-aging properties, promoting the production of collagen and elastin.

  • For this, keep the rose water in the fridge for half an hour to cool.
  • Apply it on the face, neck and rest of the body with the help of cotton.
  • Let it dry and apply a moisturizer that suits your skin .
  • This can be done twice a day. It is a natural astringent and also tones the skin.

Homemade Skin Whitening Tips

young female model holding aloe leaf and jar of aloe gel on beige

1. Get flawless and glowing skin with almonds and honey 

Almonds contain vitamin E and other nutrients that repair the skin and make it soft. Regular use of almonds helps lighten the skin tone and also makes the skin healthy. Similarly, honey has moisturizing and anti-oxidant properties. Honey contains alpha hydroxyl acid, which gently cleanses your skin, making it smooth and healthy. Both of these together make the skin spotless and glowing.

  • For this, grind 7-8 almonds and add 1 spoon honey to it.
  • Apply this mixture on the face as well as the neck and massage with light hands.
  • Leave this mixture on for 15 minutes. After that, clean it with plain water.

2. Milk and lemon for fair skin

Milk has so many enzymes that it naturally whitens the skin. It also has moisturizing properties. Lemon lightly bleaches your skin and exfoliates its upper layer.

  • Take lukewarm water in a bucket and add one cup of milk and the juice of one lemon into it.
  • Now take a bath with this water. You will see the difference soon.

3. Aloe Vera gel for skin brightness

Aloe vera contains a bioactive compound called aloin, which has an inhibitory effect on melanin synthesis [ 4 ].

  • For this you need 1 teaspoon fresh aloe vera gel and 1 teaspoon brown sugar.
  • Mix both of them well and apply it on your face and neck.
  • Leave it for some time and then wash it off with plain water.
  • Apply this mixture twice a week on the face as well as other parts of the body.
  • Its regular use lightens the complexion of your skin.

4. How to bleach your skin with milk and dried orange peels?

  • For this, you have to grind orange peels and prepare its powder.
  • Mix milk with this powder and apply this mixture on your face, neck and other parts of the body for 20 minutes.
  • Wash off with cold water and pat dry.
  • Your skin will feel smooth and fresh.
  • With the continuous use of this mixture, sun tan reduces and complexion becomes fair.

5. Pineapple and fresh milk

  • Take the pulp of two pieces of pineapple in a vessel and add fresh milk to it.
  • Mix both of them well and apply it on your skin.
  • Leave this mixture on for at least 15 minutes. Later wash it off with cold water.
  • This is a great way to bleach the skin.
  • For better results, apply this mixture once a week.

Homemade Skin Whitening Tips With Long Lasting Effect

Ayurvedic face mask using Gram flourbesan, Haldi & Milk ubtan placed in brass bowls

1. Milk & honey pack for skin lightening

Both milk and honey work as moisturizers. Honey is anti-bacterial and helps cleanse the skin.

  • Mix honey and milk in equal quantities and apply it on your skin with the help of cotton. You can also massage it lightly.
  • Leave this mixture on the skin for about 10-15 minutes and then wash it off with plain water.

2. Banana with almond oil pack

Bananas contain vitamin A, which helps lighten the skin tone and bring glow. Similarly, almond oil contains vitamin E, which is a great anti-oxidant and brightens the complexion from within.

  • To make this pack, mash a ripe banana and add 2 teaspoons of almond oil to it and apply it on the affected areas.
  • By using it continuously, your skin will become fair in a few days.

3. Gram flour and Turmeric pack

There is no need to explain much about the gram flour and turmeric pack as this pack has been in use since the time of our grandmothers. When turmeric is mixed with gram flour, it cleanses the skin well. Turmeric has many properties that can cure many skin problems [ 5 ].

  • Mix gram flour with turmeric with the help of water.
  • Now apply this mixture on the face, neck and other parts of the body for 15-20 minutes. When it dries, remove it by massaging gently with your hands.
  • This mixture cleanses your skin from inside and makes it fair.

4. Cream and walnut face pack

Walnuts contain many nutrients and anti-oxidants, which are effective in removing skin tanning, acne, irritation, blemishes and dark spots. When mixed with cream, it acts as a moisturizing agent.

  • To make this, mix 1 teaspoon walnut powder with 2 teaspoons cream and apply it on your skin.
  • Allow it to dry completely and then wash it off with plain water.

5. Papaya face pack

Papaya helps lighten your skin tone and makes it fairer. It also increases collagen production in your skin [ 6 ].

  • For this you need 1 ripe papaya and 1 lemon. Cut the papaya and mash it.
  • Add lemon juice to it.
  • Apply this mixture on the skin and leave it for about 15 minutes. Later wash it with plain water.
  • You can apply it twice a week.
  • This mixture of papaya and lemon brightens the complexion of the skin and reduces blemishes .

6. Rice with milk face pack

Rice contains many nutrients that improve the health of your skin. You can apply it twice a week. When rice is mixed with milk to make a mixture, it works as a body pack.

  • Prepare a paste by mixing rice and milk and if you want, apply it on the entire body.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes and wash it off with plain water.
  • Apply this mixture daily for better results.
  • It also removes premature signs of aging from the skin.


To make the skin fair and glowing, it is important to take care of many things. You need to make some changes in your lifestyle as well as adopt special home remedies. In this way, you can get flawless, glowing and fair skin in a few days.

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