To get shiny and beautiful hair, try some simple tips

Who doesn’t want beautiful hair! Beautiful hair adds to the beauty of a person and if the same hair is lifeless and dull, it tarnishes the beauty. No matter how much you take care of your face and skin, if you don’t take proper care of your hair, then taking care of your skin is of no use. Many times, due to some changes in life and diet, hair starts falling and its shine vanishes. Lack of proper nutrients, use of chemical products, pollution etc. are also the reasons for falling and lifeless hair.

What to do for long and silky hair

Long and silky hair is not a dream but a reality. For this, we need to adopt some measures which are very easy and do not cost much from our pocket, in fact, to be honest, we will not need to spend a lot. Neither will there be a need to go to a beauty salon nor to take the services of a hair stylist. We can make our hair silky and long by adopting some home remedies suggested by our grandmothers. Along with this, there is a need to bring changes in lifestyle by using the right products and making some changes in your diet. Yes, it is true that you will have to make a little extra effort for this but you will be surprised to see the end result. These hair care tips to get silky and shiny hair are perfect for both men and women. Also, with this excuse, you will also get a chance to pamper yourself at home, which is very important and will also relieve you from everyday stress.

Homemade Tips To Get Silky And Long Hair

young lady model brushing long healthy hair look in mirror

You can bring life to your hair by trying home remedies to make your hair silky and long. These home remedies are hidden in your kitchen, you just need to use them. And these home remedies will also keep your hair healthy for a long time.

1. Yogurt

The probiotics present in yogurt strengthen hair follicles and play an important role in hair growth. The use of yogurt also strengthens the hair roots and also eliminates dandruff.

How to use

Take a cup of curd and add about two teaspoons of amla powder to it. Now apply this mixture thoroughly on the hair and scalp and leave it for about half an hour. After this, clean the hair with a good shampoo. If you want, you can apply this mixture on your hair twice a week, soon your hair fall will reduce and you will get the answer to your question of how to make hair silky. Some people are prone to allergies from the protein present in dairy products. If this is the case with you too, then you must consult your doctor before using it.

2. Egg

egg and lemon with hair brush on grey towel

We all know that eggs are a great source of protein. Just as eggs are good for our body, they also provide nutrition to hair. Eggs contain iron, iodine, phosphorus, zinc, sulfur, peptides, which help in hair growth. These elements also strengthen hair follicles. Vitamin A, E and D present in it prevents hair fall and makes them silky and shiny.

How to use

Break an egg and add one teaspoon of olive oil and the same amount of honey to it. Apply this mixture on the hair and scalp in equal amounts. After this, cover the hair with a cloth or shower cap if you want. Leave this egg mixture on the hair for about half an hour. Then shampoo and then apply conditioner as well.

3. Olive oil

Olive oil is very beneficial for our skin and hair. If you apply olive oil properly, hair fall will stop and hair will also become shiny. Actually, olive oil contains many types of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and fatty acids, which make hair healthy and make them shiny. Also, massaging with lukewarm oil increases blood circulation and makes the scalp healthy.

How to use

Take three to four spoons of olive oil and warm it. Now apply this lukewarm oil on the scalp as well as hair while massaging gently. You can do this massage for 15 minutes. Put water on one side of the gas stove to heat it. After the massage is done, take a towel and soak it in hot water, squeeze it and then cover the head with that towel. Wrap the towel on the hair for about 10 minutes. Now wash the hair with a good shampoo. And yes, use a conditioner too. You can do this twice a week, after a few weeks you will find that your hair fall is reducing.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is very beneficial for our hair. Aloe vera has antiseptic and anti-fungal properties, which protect the hair from dandruff and also make it silky. The amino acids and proteolytic enzymes present in it strengthen the hair roots and thus hair fall is reduced and hair length also increases.

How to use

If you have an aloe vera plant then there is nothing better than this. Take one cup of its gel, and prepare a mixture by mixing it with two teaspoons of castor oil (it makes hair thick and soft) and the same amount of fenugreek powder. Now apply this mixture well on the length of the hair and scalp. Now cover the hair. You can also keep this mixture on the hair overnight. Wash it with shampoo in the morning. You can apply this oil on the hair twice a week.

5. Onion juice

Onion juice is very beneficial for hair [ 1 ]. The sulfur contained in it improves the health of hair and scalp. Massaging it also improves blood circulation in the scalp.

How to use

Extract onion juice. To extract the juice, first grind the onion in a mixer, then put this pulp in a thin muslin or cotton cloth and squeeze it and extract the juice. Now add lavender oil to this juice and apply it on the scalp with the help of cotton. Now massage gently. Leave this mixture on the hair and scalp for 15 minutes. Then shampoo. You can use it every alternate day.

Some more tips to make hair silky and long

young girl hands natural hair and perfect skin with coconut in her hand

Apart from the above-mentioned home remedies to make hair silky, there are some more tips with the help of which you can get silky and shiny hair.

1. Maintain a balanced diet

Your hair needs vitamins, minerals and other nutrients [ 2 ] to stay healthy and grow well. Include green leafy vegetables, seasonal fruits, curry leaves, nuts like dates, almonds and walnuts in your diet.

2. Choose the right product

It is better to choose chemical free products for your hair because chemicals can cause such damage to your hair that it can take a very long time to repair. Use parabens and SLS free shampoo and conditioner for your hair.

3. Massage with oil

Oil massage is a great way to keep hair and scalp healthy [ 3 ]. It increases blood circulation which is very good for hair. For oil massage, always use natural oil, if possible buy wood pressed oil, it is naturally extracted oil. And yes, make sure to warm the oil before massaging.

4. Never skip conditioning your hair

To keep your hair healthy, it is equally important to condition them. That is why it is always better to use a good conditioner to condition your hair after shampooing. This helps in good hair growth and also makes them shine faster.

5. Always wash hair with cold water

Many times we wash our hair with hot water, which is not good for our hair and scalp. Hot water weakens the hair roots and the hair starts falling quickly, it also becomes lifeless and loses its shine. Hot water also absorbs moisture from the hair. The pores also open up which increases hair fall. Therefore, you should always wash your hair with cold water, this also maintains moisture in the scalp and makes the hair silky and shiny.

6. Get a haircut

Just like hair needs massage and nutrients, it is also important to get it trimmed at the right time for proper growth. Getting it trimmed at the right time [ 4 ] also removes the split ends, which are essential for hair growth. Because if the hair has split ends, it stops growing. Also, its shine also disappears.

7. Never use hot tools

We usually use hair dryers to dry our hair, which is not right at all. Hot tools like hair dryers weaken the hair from the roots, eliminate its shine and increase hair fall. Similarly, do not use curlers to curl your hair.

8. Never wash your hair too often

Many people wash their hair daily thinking that this will keep their hair clean. But the truth is that washing hair daily starts to eliminate the natural nutrients present in it, the natural moisture of the hair also starts to decrease. Therefore, avoid washing hair more than two or three times a week.

9. Let your hair dry naturally

Your hair is wet and it is getting very cold or you have to go out somewhere, you take out the hair dryer and start drying your hair. This is not right. If you have to dry your hair, then use a towel for this. For this, do not rub the towel vigorously, rather wrap the towel on the hair with a light hand and rub it gently. This way the hair will dry quickly.


It is as important for us to take care of our hair as we take care of our face or health. Apart from some home remedies for silky and shiny hair, we should also make some changes in our diet. By changing some of our daily hair related habits, we can fulfill our dream of silky and shiny hair.

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